pilates plus



Sarah Duley has been a GYROTONIC® method Pre-trainer since 2011.

This course is for those wishing to become teachers of the GYROTONIC® method. It can also be taken by anyone, meeting the pre-requisites, who is interested in enriching their own practice. There is no commitment to enrolling in the rest of the program.

Gyrotonic Studio 117 Image RHS 3
Gyrotonic Studio 117 Image RHS 1

I encourage you to visit the GYROTONIC® headquarters website where you will see the whole teacher training program explained: https://www.gyrotonic.com/Gyrotonic_Level_1_Education.aspx

Venue: Pilates Plus, 117 St Margarets Road
Teacher: Sarah Duley, certified GYROTONIC® method Pre-Trainer

We take a max of 6 trainees to our two towers ensuring that everybody has plenty of time to practice the movements, observe others and take notes.


Students must be familiar with progression 1 material on the pulley tower before enrolling in a pre-training course. This would usually mean a series of one on one classes with the teacher training provider, unless participants wish to organize group sessions. Sarah will be happy to discuss prices, circumstances etc. with each individual in order to make it viable within a short period of time.

Gyrotonic Teacher Training Image RHS 3


The course needs to be taken in a minimum of 6 days / 30 hours. My suggestion is two long weekends:
Friday / Saturday / Sunday - 5hrs each day or possibly
Saturday / Sunday / Monday - 5hrs each day or even
Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Monday - 4hrs each day
This can be arranged as we wish, to meet everyone’s availability, and discussed when we meet and know who will be enrolling.


The base fee for a pre training course is set by GYROTONIC® headquarters and is currently 850 Euros.

In addition to this there will be a studio fee of approx £100 for each participant.


For those wishing to go on to the Foundation Course, It is mandatory that no more than 12 weeks passes between a student completing the Pre-training Course and starting the Foundation Course. For this reason I work closely with master trainers Beatrice Pasqual and Elaine Puren from Studio 74. London Bridge. They will be holding a Foundation Level One training around August / September.

Clearly each individual will have many questions and it is important to think carefully before enrolling. I therefore invite anyone seriously interested to an informal interview to ensure that you understand the way in which the whole Foundation Course is run.

Gyrotonic Studio 117 Image LHS 3

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