pilates plus



Proprietor Sarah Duley completed her teacher’s training course with Pilates guru Alan Herdman in 1996. Previously a professional ballet dancer, Sarah had practised Pilates throughout her career, both as a strengthening routine and during times of injury. On completion of the course, Sarah went on to set up her own ‘mat work’ classes as well as teaching in other London studios. The desire to teach in semi-private situations, and the lack of such a studio outside of central London, led to the opening of the Sarah Duley Pilates Studio, from her home, in September 1999.

During this time Sarah became a founder member of the Pilates Foundation, now one of the leading bodies of the Pilates world. When pregnant with her second child the necessity to move the studio out of home increased, and Pilates Plus was opened in St Margarets in October 2001. In September 2003 Sarah qualified as a GYROTONIC® teacher, followed shortly by GYROKINESIS® qualification.

In May 2012 Sarah opened Studio 117, a dedicated GYROTONIC® Studio where she also provides GYROTONIC® Pre-Training courses.


Susana has been teaching multiple exercise disciplines for more than 22 years. Her journey with exercise and Pilates has been driven by her joy of fitness and her quest for deeper understanding of the body and movement. Confidently working alongside physical therapists and doctors, effectively problem solving, Susana takes clients from pain to pain-free. She has great success with disc pathologies, scoliosis, and general body niggles. She also offers Prenatal & Postnatal Pilates training, ensuring that mums and mums-to-be are physically, mentally and emotionally supported throughout their different transitions.


Geraldine suffered lower back problems due to years of bad posture, working long hours behind a desk and which her pregnancy also aggravated. Since discovering the Pilates Method, she hasn’t looked back. Helping her to understand her own body, it also helped her find her vocation.

Qualifying as a Pilates Instructor with the Pilates Foundation in London, Geraldine is passionate and enthusiastic and a thorough and precise Instructor.


I was a professional dancer and assistant choreographer in my youth, working with artists and brands like Adidas. I stopped dancing in 2009. After practicing Pilates for 14 years, I qualified as an instructor in 2018 and it immediately became a career. While working in Abu Dhabi in 2019, I was in a serious car accident and I woke up in an ICU with many fractures and a serious head trauma. I studied in order to do my own rehab, and I managed to achieve an almost complete recovery in less than 5 years; even though I now live with a brain injury. Some say that I’m the living proof that what I teach works!

After my return to London in 2020 I turned towards the clinical side of Pilates and taught at Complete Pilates, Core Kensington and Bodies Under Construction. Since 2021 I’ve gained US certifications in applied neuroscience and I now incorporate neuro-training within Pilates when it can be beneficial, helping my clients to reach their goal faster, with more ease, and with longer lasting results. My own journey has given me a special interest in neurological conditions, in particular TBIs and concussions..

Karrie Dene


Karrie danced from an early age and knew that a stage career was for her but, while training at London Studio Centre, that dream was almost shattered when she sustained a back injury that meant she may never dance again. Devastated, Karrie began to do studio Pilates daily help her rehabilitation. Her diligence and determination paid off and she graduated with a Performing Arts Diploma and went on to work professionally as a dancer and dance teacher in Asia.

Whilst managing a gym in Singapore, Karrie began to teach matwork Pilates. From here she began her education with Polestar Pilates and is a qualified Mat, Allegro and Studio Instructor. She continued her movement education in other modalities and is also GYROTONIC®, Xtend Barre® and Core Align® trained, bringing lots of variety to her classes. Karrie is also Pre/Post Natal certified

Karrie's goal is that her clients have a positive movement experience and learn to carry this into their everyday life. She is excited to join the team at Pilates Plus our team and add a little spice to the mix! She may seem all sweetness and light but her class will give you that extra little kick!

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